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Caring, sharing & learning together

Sharing, caring & learning together.  

Parent Chats

We really value working with parents at our nursery and as such like to invite you to attend parent chat meetings with your key person at regular intervals during your child’s time with us.

Your child’s key person will consult with you before your child has their ‘focus’ week. Then they will arrange a mutually convenient time to meet with you the following week to share a completed learning journey for your child.

The parent chat offers the opportunity for:

• Parents to get to know staff better and form trusting relationships with them.
• Parents to share information from home, including new interests or fascinations for their child.
• Staff and parents to share information on the child’s learning and development with each other.
• Staff and parents to realise and celebrate developmental milestones together.
• Staff to share age appropriate talk, play and other activity ideas to further enhance learning.
• Staff and parents to jointly develop strategies to address any developmental concerns.
• To address family well-being together.
• Parents to have dedicated time with their child’s key person.

In addition to pre-arranged parent chats, we always encourage parents to talk to staff at drop off and pick up times on an ad-hoc ongoing basis.