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Caring, sharing & learning together

Sharing, caring & learning together.  

General Information

Collecting your Child

If your child is to be collected by someone other than yourself, it is very important that you inform the school office or class teacher - a password will be required. Your child can not be accompanied to and from nursery by a person under the age of 16.      

Term Time Leave

You may request leave for your child. If your child is absent for more that 2 weeks during term time, this leave will be recorded as unauthorised. If your child is absent for more that 20 days his/her name may be removed from roll. You may re-apply for a place and your child's name will be placed on the waiting list until a place becomes available.

Medicine in Nursery

A request for nursery to give medication form must be submitted. Medicaiton will not be accepted unless it has been prescribed by the family doctor and is clearly labelled indicating the contents, dosage and the child's full name.

Phone Policy

No mobile phones are to be used in the nursery. We appreciate there may be occasions where you may need to use your phone and ask that you do so in the parents area. You must put your phone away before entering the corridors into the nursery. Under the Data Protection act 2018 we also ask that you do not take photos/videos of any displays or monitors around the nursery. 

No Smoking. No Vaping

On the premises.