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Caring, sharing & learning together

Sharing, caring & learning together.  

Identifying and Assessing Special Educational Needs

We are committed to the early identification of special educational needs and we adopt a graduated approach, in line with the SEN Code of Practice.

Concerns about a child’s needs, progress or attainment may be raised in different ways. The child’s key person meets with parents on a regular basis and develops a close relationship.

Often concerns are raised and explored during these discussions together. Sometimes concerns may be raised by other agencies supporting a child or by staff working in the school.

Staff use assessment data to identify children who are at risk of under achieving and any specific aspects of learning that are causing concern. Once a concern is raised it is shared so the parents, staff working with the child and the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) are all aware and can work in partnership to plan how to most effectively support the child, monitor and review their progress. This may include discussions, consultations and meetings with the key worker, class teacher and SENCo. Following this, the concerns and subsequent plans to address them are disseminated with all concerned verbally and with a written record (e.g. parent consultation, personalised support plan or IEP).