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Caring, sharing & learning together

Sharing, caring & learning together.  

Extended Curriculum

Extended Curriculum

Children benefit from taking part in educational trips, visits and offsite learning with the school. Their learning in school is also enhanced from time to time by visitors coming to our nursery. This forges links between the nursery and the local neighbourhood enabling children to develop a sense of belonging, connection, value and respect for the community they live in.

Visits compliment the curriculum we provide in school by enabling children to have first-hand experiences of places and activities not usually available in school. They also help develop confidence and independence in our children together with social development through sharing an experience with peers. Lots of new vocabulary and language opportunities arise during the activities and afterwards when children discuss it with others. In addition, it can greatly enrich their enjoyment of school and when parents take part it may develop their knowledge of facilities in the local area allowing them to participate more fully in their child’s learning.

At nursery we make these activities relevant and meaningful for the children by linking them to interests, other current learning, family needs, local community initiatives or national events.

Some more recent events have included:

• Trip to the dentist
• Outing to the pet shop
• Living Eggs in nursery
• Trip to the local library
• Visiting a building site
• ‘Insect lore’ live caterpillars
• Activities with ‘Hanover House’ residents
• Trip to Thames Valley Adventure Playground
• Mobile farm visit