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Caring, sharing & learning together

Sharing, caring & learning together.  


Every school has governors and they have an important job to do providing strategic leadership to the school and ensuring accountability.

The Governing Body is made up of parents, staff, representatives of the local authority and other members of the community. They are all volunteers who are committed to our work and have knowledge and expertise to share with us. Their term of office is usually four years. They meet at least 6 times a year and support the staff to deliver the school's vision, to ensure that the school is continuously improving and meet a number of statutory requirements. It is governors who hold the main responsibility for finance in schools and they work with the headteacher to make decisions about how to balance resources.

Slough Centre Nursery is part of the TLC Nursery Federation together with Chalvey Nursery. As such, we have one governing body over the two schools.

The membership of the TLC Nursery Federation Governing Body is:

  • 2 x Parent Governors
  • 1 x Staff Governor
  • 1 x Headteacher Governor
  • 1 x LA Govenor
  • 5 x Co-opted Governors