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Caring, sharing & learning together

Sharing, caring & learning together.  

Mental health problems affect around one in six pre-school nursery children & young adults.

This can include anything from depression & anxiety to other types of behavioural problems. Generally, this is a direct response to what is happening in our children’s lives.

Your child’s emotional wellbeing is equally as important as their physical health. Good mental health helps pre-school nursery children develop the resilience to cope with whatever life throws at them. Which in turn, will help them grow into well-rounded, healthy adults.


What can affect my child’s mental health?

As parents, it is key for us to understand any factors that may affect our children and what we can do to alleviate these.

Changes such as; moving home, changing school, the birth of a new sibling, or more recently, a global pandemic for example.

One of the most important things you can do is listen to your child and take their feelings seriously. They may not even need your help as such, sometimes a simple hug goes a long way.

If your child is having problems at nursery, a member of staff may be able to help. Alternatively, go to your GP or speak to a health visitor. They can refer your child for further help if necessary. 

The following websites provide further information and support:

Place2Be website

NHS Every Mind Matters

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07 September 23
07 September 23