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Caring, sharing & learning together

Sharing, caring & learning together.  


At nursery we like to celebrate occasions and festivals that are important to our families and match our local community.


We would like to celebrate your child’s birthday in nursery. Parties take place during group time at the end of the session. The children light candles, sing ‘Happy Birthday’ and  have a bubble, balloon & Stickers party. They choose their favourite songs to sing or thier favourite ring game to play. 

When your child’s birthday is approaching please talk to your key person so a party can be arranged for your child.

Religious Festivals

We aim to understand, respect and value other cultures and religions. We like to share information about them and recognise differences as something to celebrate as well as appreciate the many commonalities too. We plan to make the learning appropriate, relevant and meaningful for the children and enable it to be revisited and sustained. We invite families to be involved in a variety of ways that suit them.

Some of our celebrations recently have included: Vaisakhi, Eid, Diwali, and Christmas.

Our activities have involved: Information display, reading and acting out the celebration story, parent volunteers helping nursery staff with linked activities such as making divas, mendhi, card and decoration making, parents joining in a party day and contributing to our photographic corridor display which depicts children at nursery and families at home celebrating various festivals.

Other Events

At different times during the year we often join in with different community or national events. These have included: Slough Healthy Smiles, World Book day, Red Nose day, Children in Need and Walk to School amongst others.